Monday 5 October 2015

What a week!.....

Hi guys! I think it's very fitting to use this picture again!

Firstly, I was sooo tired last night, I actually completely forgot and fell asleep! (sorry)....but any-who! Last week was really hard for me.

I have really learnt that when you set your mind on accomplishing something, the devil also sets his mind on discouraging and distracting you from your focus point.

So as last week, we were focusing on : ".....It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged." 1 Corinthians 13: 5

During the week, I had a heated discussion with my brother which left me hurt and angry. Honestly, I did not want to see things his way, I believed I was right and he should just listen to me especially because I am the elder sister.

So I went to my bed with all of these feelings inside of me, muttering to myself and to God about how much my brother was in the wrong and justifying my actions etc. But I did not feel at peace within myself at all. The verse above kept repeating in my mind and the explanation God gave me which I shared with you on Wednesday, also came very clearly in my mind.

So I got out of my bed and went to speak to him. I apologized and really tried to forget his past mistakes etc and not use it as a basis to judge his actions. I asked him how we could resolve the matter and I humbled myself. Can I be honest with you? was hard! lol something so small, but it made me realise that I always want to be right and I hate being told I am wrong or even coming to that realisation.

He was still angry with me, but I knew I had done my part in doing what was right, so I left the rest to God. But when I got into my room, I started pouring out my heart to God about the realisation I had come to about myself and asked Him to humble my heart, remove all pride and help me not to be that way anymore.

I hope last week lead you to a realisation as well and helped you to kick out some bad traits and improve you!

Be blessed!

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