Thursday, 5 December 2013

The Mind.....

So lets continue.

 After that happened, he taught me how to masturbate. At that time, I was young, so i did not know what it was, but i knew that it was not right.

As i previously said, this made my mind sexual from a young age. I remember from then on, i really hated having to go over to their house as i was afraid the same thing would happen again. I didn't speak to anyone for many many years about it as i just felt really ashamed. ( I have now, don't worry and it was dealt with).

I believe it was a year or two after this incident that I got the news that i would be going over to the UK to live with my parents. I was sooooo excited!! I had heard so many good things about the UK and i had always wanted to be 'on top' of my friends lol. At school in Ghana, when you had come from the UK, you were seen as an amazing special person, kind of like a celebrity.

Ok that's it for today! See you tomorrow!!

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