Wednesday 30 September 2015


Hi guys! No joke, this picture above has been my week! *Tear*
The tests this week has been real! And I must say it has been extremely difficult. Well, I did mention that this is a very hard area for me.

But you know what keeps repeating in my mind and I am sure it'll help you somehow as well? :

“Be angry, and do not sin”:do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil."
Ephesians 4:26

Amazing, I was asking God which sin exactly is meant by this verse, and I just understood now! When we let the sun go down on our anger, it's because we did not resolve the issue, we did not speak about it and try to sort it out. This is likely to lead to a grudge forming and even un-forgiveness settling in our hearts.

Hhhmmm.....definately something to think about and implement.

Hard week I tell you!!

Be blessed!

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