Friday 22 June 2012

The Armour of God - Explained

This morning, I was reading the book of 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5 vs 1- 11. God explained something to me in a much clearer way than i have ever understood and i would like to share.

The picture above illustrates the whole Armour of God. I will explain each one by one.

The Helmet of Salvation : Why is it the 'Helmet'? Salvation is obtained in the mind. It's the assurance of one's salvation that neutralizes doubts and fears concerning the future that occur in the mind.

Breast Plate of  Righteousness : The breast plate sits on the chest or we can even go further to say the heart of a person. The heart as we know is deceitful above all things. So therefore when God said to put on the Breast plate of righteousness what does that mean? Righteousness in its plainest definition is to do what is Right! Have you heard the saying ' It feels so right, so it must be right' And this phrase is mostly used for things that are completely wrong. The heart if we think about it really, never wants to do what is truly right. When we put on the Breast Plate of Righteousness, we do what is right regardless of our heart.

Shield of Faith : What does a shield do in battle?" Medieval Shields were developed to shield, or protect, a knight or soldier from the direct blows from the weapons of their enemies"*
I don't think anymore needs to be said here.

Sword Of the Spirit : The sword is the actual weapon in battle, it is what is used to kill the enemies in battle. In our Christian faith, what is our sword? The Word of God. The Word of God, destroys every attempt of satan to make a disgrace of our lives and God's name, but only when we use the Word with Power and In faith! The Word of God neutralizes every doubt, dirty thought, evil eyes, evil intentions and etc that satan brings to us, but only when used with power and faith.

Feat shod with the Gospel of Peace : The Work of God. Wherever we go, the Work of God must be done there. Which is to bring the Peace of God, Salvation, His Word, to those in our path. Wherever our feet take us, there also the Word must be and bear fruit.

Belt of Truth : Without this everything will fall apart. The belt keeps everything together. Truth is what keeps us in the light. The truth is God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit. When we remain in the Truth, we are able to have the Whole Armour of God. But if a person is not even in the Truth, how can they possibly have the Armour of God. If they live their lives according to the lie, they will see no use for this Armour. If they live their life according to the lie, the belt no longer exists and therefore the Armour falls apart. And then begins the doubts, the fears {without the Helmet), living according to their emotions (without the Breast Plate), not being able to defeat satan in their lives(without the Sword), satan hitting them where it really hurts (without the shield). The Truth is Jesus, is the Word of God. And to live by it is to sacrifice oneself DAILY.

I do believe that God explained this to me and you for a reason whether now or before today, lets bear fruit with this.

Be blessed.

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