Wednesday 25 July 2012

My Day with the Travelling Necklace

 My Day with the travel Necklace

My day started off not so great. I woke up late and therefore my morning was not productive. I found myself rushing to meet Samantha in Finsbury Park at 11am. I then received the necklace, but due to my hectic morning, i did not feel fully prepared for my test at University so i began to worry. 

I got on the train and began to go over some of the things i did not understand well, i spent 2 hours at University before my exam going over things. Finally the time came for the test which was supposed to be at 2pm. The invigilators as per usual decided to start the test at 2.15pm. You know when you are nervous about something so you want to get it done as quickly as possible? Yup that is how i was feeling so i was not too pleased we started late. Anyway we entered the class room and began the test, then to my amazement, the invigilators began to have their own conversation very loudly right there in the classroom as we were sitting our test, i glanced up and looked at them trying to urge them to stop speaking which i did for at least 5 minutes until they stopped and then they started again halfway into the test!!! I had to make a personal prayer to God to help me concentrate on the test because i was getting quite annoyed. Anyway most of the questions i understood and answered well (By the way i passed the test!! :) )

After the exam, i went to the church as i had to go and deliver something. On my way out of the church i came across one of the youths in my tribe with a friend and she was crying. I have known this youth for a while and she is not one to cry so immediately i knew something was wrong. I went over and asked what was wrong but she was determined not to tell me. She became rude in the way she was speaking to me and began to get angry at me. I began to get frustrated as there i was trying to help and she was getting angry at me. She is the type of person who bottles things in and only when they get really worse she speaks. I stood up and told her i am giving her an opportunity to solve whatever situation she is going through before it gets worse but yet she was still persistent in being rude. Her friend continued to urge her to speak to me even though the friend does not really attend the church. She continued to determine she would not speak to me, so i let her go and i crossed the street to go home, frustrated at her but yet with a nagging feeling knowing that i would not be at peace knowing something was wrong with her. 

In that moment the Holy Spirit revealed to me that i was not a patient person. The way i had spoken to her, even with the desire to help, pushed her further away, i did not really show care through my speech, i was forcing her to speak and i was not being as patient as the Holy Spirit is always with me. I felt ashamed at this realisation and crossed the street. I made a prayer for God to use my tongue and touch her heart to open up, i crossed the street, caught up to her, apologised, asked her to speak to me in a different way than before. She opened up to me and told me things she had been scared to tell me. I was able to advise her concerning the situation, clear up doubts and concerns regarding the campaign and she was glad we had spoken.

What a day! I learnt that it's so easy to forget how the Holy Spirit deals with us and therefore how we are meant to deal with his souls on a day to day basis.

This great chain of travelling necklace was brought about by an amazing group of women challenging the world's view and standards of women. These women first and foremost Value their relationship with God and therefore value themselves. Privileged but not better are those who form part of this group of which i am part, consistently many women share life transformations which have occurred due to the work of this group!

For more information please visit : Godllywood Groups

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