Friday 25 May 2012

A Different Perspective

This morning I was speaking to God and something was revealed to me which i will like to share. All the time we speak about how as Jesus' return draws nearer, satan is working even harder to steal the salvation of those who are with God and hold on tighter to those who already belong to him.

But we rarely speak about or even concentrate of the fact that if satan is working this hard, imagine how much harder the HOLY SPIRIT is working to give salvation to those who don't have and preserve the salvation of those who do.

When we solely look at the fact that satan is working hard, we become so consumed with all that is going wrong and may even become convinced that reaching the end is virtually impossible. At this point, even the small things (which are not even small, because everything with God has its own purpose) that the Holy Spirit speaks or reveals to us, we overlook because it seems unimportant.
By looking to the Master and working in ourself, the Holy Spirit is able to strengthen us till the end and reveal to us things we cannot even see and things which would have caught us of guard in order to preserve our souls. We are able to fight with even more strength and power against the enemy!

This is one of my favourite Psalms and promises of God :

"The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul."
Psalm 121 vs 7

1 comment:

  1. This is very true. It's like looking to the positive instead of just the negative. As humans we tend to focus on what is bad much more than the good. That has to change!
