Monday 28 September 2015

Love is......

".......It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged."
1 Corinthians 13:5 we are getting deeper! This for me is hard especially around that time of the month, you know what I am talking about ladies. It's like all of a sudden things that made you laugh before, things you enjoyed about a week or a couple of days ago or even the most normal things like someone chewing gum, makes you want to punch them, scream at them, kiss your teeth.....and I am not exaggerating, at least for me I know this is true.

You know why I brought this topic up? Because I have learnt that this verse is not only for those other 2-3 weeks of the month, but we must work to apply it even more during that dreaded week or so.

Many of us give the excuse : "Well they don't know what its like! They must understand, it's that time!!"

Now I am not saying we still won't feel angry one minute and then calm and peaceful, floating on high clouds the next lol.......feeling irritated at unnecessary things etc....but we actually have the power to tame and control our hormones and the emotional effect of them. This is simply because Jesus allowed this particular verse to be in the Bible, AND it wasn't written with conditions attached, meaning it applies all the time.

This verse also applies to our everyday lives. My personal examples are my brother and sister, oh my they can get on my last nerves!! Arrrgghhhhhh!!! And even though sometimes when an argument or heated discussion arises between myself and any one of them, I don't mention with my mouth all the things they did in the past, I most definately shout them in my mind. The verse above applies to this as well!!

Now this is why I said, we are getting deeper! This week will be wonderful! lol

Be blessed!

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