Sunday 27 September 2015

Full Potential........

Hi guys!!! I almost didn't write this post up tonight....just came from an amazing event and I am sooo tired! let me share with you my week.

This week I focused on the second part of the description of love from the bible:
".......Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way." 1 Corinthians 13:4/5

The summary I understood from this was - selfish ambition. I explained more about what this is in the last post, I would advice you to read it to gain a better understanding.

The whole week, I have really been thinking about this, praying constantly for God to help me not to be that way and to give me opportunities to overcome all self seeking habits in me.

At today's event God gave me a great opportunity. I was part of a choir who sang today and I sang the lead on two of the songs. We have been practising for just over a month for this event and praise God, we sounded absolutely beautiful!

Let me take just a step back to give you more of an understanding. I normally sing in our church services and usually I hold back on giving my best because I don't want to show off etc....but this past Wednesday as I was singing, something became so clear to me. God Himself helped me see that it was He who gave me this voice when He formed me in my mother's womb. 

 I truly believe, my voice is a part of His plan...He is God, nothing is ever by coincidence. So on Wednesday whilst I was singing, I thought to myself : "..if He gave me this voice, I must honour Him by allowing its full potential to be enjoyed both by Himself and also others, this is my service to everyone"

So at the event today, before I went up on the altar for both of the services, I made a prayer asking Him to take control and for Him to help me honour Him with my best and serve every single person there in the arena with my voice.

So in summary, what was my selfish ambition in all of this?

I had been afraid of expressing the gifts God gave me to their full potential because I didn't want attention or to look like a show off. I was hiding the light under the table.

This week I learnt to honour God and serve others with what He has given me, not to think only of myself and how I feel.

I hope somehow this helped you.

Be blessed!

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