Monday 5 October 2015

Love is.....

".......It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out."

Hhhmmm.....well we could all say, "pssshhhh!! I never do this! Of course I can't be happy when someone is wrongly accused or unfairly treated!"

But lets think of the other aspect of it, that we never really focus on. How about when we are the ones to cause the injustice? Say for example.....when we gossip about someone behind their back and smile with them to their face?

When we lie about something which took place to save ourselves or our name? When we mistreat our friends and family members simply because we are in one of our 'moods'? I mean there is literally a whole host of things to be explored here.

The truth spoken about in the verse is what God has to say about things, how He thinks, how He expects us to behave. To rejoice in this, is to live it out.

Each and everyday we face this battle and its so easy to think like how everyone else does, the natural, carnal and fleshly way of thinking and behaving, rather than how God thinks - spiritual, just and truthful.

I think we have a lot to think about and change this week don't you?? We will make it!

Be blessed!

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