Sunday 11 October 2015


This was me this week!!!

Living in His truth truly does set you free!

This week I really focused on thinking the way God thinks about things....and above all putting them into practise. Of course the last part was the hardest part, but I can honestly say.....I feel free!

It feels good to be honest, sincere, myself, integral.......Now don't get me wrong, I am not perfect! I still make mistakes, but as I said in a previous post quite a while ago, when we begin to walk in the ways of God and draw closer to Him, we will begin to make fewer and fewer mistakes as His wisdom begins to take over our own understanding.

On that note, a brief reminder of why I am feeling the way I do :

" It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out." 
1 Corinthians 13:6

Now I have to continue in this fight each day! I hope your week brought you the same. :)

Be blessed!

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