Saturday 10 May 2014

The BIG Shock! continued.......

Guys, as strange as it may seem to say, I am truly grateful to God for allowing me to go through what I went through last year.

Reason being is that, if  I hadn't gone through that, the moulding and changes He is doing in me now would not have happened. I truly started to seek God with everything I am, He allowed me to realise that the intimacy I had had with Him right in the beginning of my faith had been lost. That I was now treating Him like a man. That was why I reacted to those things in that way.

I hope I am able to express everything properly. I can say that was my desert because haven't been through that I see how God has been fixing all the crooked places in my faith, my relationship with Him, my belief in Him, my love for Him and His work and even how I see the world and our lost brothers and sisters everyday.

Through everything, I have seen how truly the Holy Spirit is my Number one fan. Honestly, no one else believes in me like He does, bares with me like He does and loves me like He does. The more I have been investing in my relationship and intimacy with Him, the more I get to know Him and the more I want Him and trust Him.

And also the less I worry about what others think of me and even what happens to others (if you understand what I mean ) such as I can't pin hope or trust in others as we are all human beings and everyone of us make mistakes! ! We are so fragile and delicate without God and we are the ones who need Him and truly we decide how close we want to be to Him.

Lol even now the devil was trying to speak in my mind saying for me not to share this because of what others might think. Well I want others to think- think about the fact that we should never think just because someone may have a 'title' etc that they are exempt of going through problems even in their faith, but rather and above all, we should solely keep our eyes on God and He and only He should be our example. The good things we see in others are a result of their closeness with Him and therefore He is the source.

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