Monday 12 May 2014


Trust....such a simple word.

But we come up with so many definitions of this very simple word :

1. I will believe, as long as I can see something physically happening with my own eyes to confirm that what You said is true.

2. I will trust You, but let me help you do what You said You will do, because You know, I can't just sit back and watch you do it all, I feel uncomfortable doing that.

3. I know You told me not to worry, that You have me, but just remember, You said You will do it. 
*1 hour later* - just a reminder about what You said You will do.
*3 hours later* - I know You said You would, but I am just reminding You again, because you know I am not really seeing anything happening.
*1 day later* - Wow, it's taking quite a while, remember, I believe You can do it, but it does seem a bit impossible, just remember You promised

4. But God, everyone is saying that it will never happen. So many situations are arising against me. Are you sure it will really happen?

5. I am not good enough, so and so, is much better than me, nobody considers me. How can you truly bless me?

6. Am I even sure it was You that spoke to me. Did I make it up in my mind, maybe the Word was for someone else, not me. I mean, what have I done to be 'worthy' of You fulfilling Your Word in my life.

AAAAAHHHHHH!!! Why are we like this??!! Goodness...and you know? These are the very things which end up delaying our growth and God's Prophecy being fulfilled in our lives!! When God says He will do something.....its that simple, He will! When we ask Him for something according to His Will (meaning we have the sole purpose of glorifying His name with what we have asked for), He will do it!!

Read :

But when you ask Him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind.
James 1:6 NLT

You can ask for anything in My name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father.Yes, ask Me for anything in My name, and I will do it!
John 14. 13-14 NLT

Believe me, this is for me!!


  1. Spot on Marilyn this exactly what we do and then the hands of God is tied as He can only honour our faith and our faith is shown by us trusting.

  2. I love this was something I. Was really in need, very helpful.

