Tuesday 13 May 2014

Secret Place........A tip

Hi guys!!
So I am going to share with you something I started doing since March. I came to understand the importance of INTENTIONALLY investing in my relationship with God.

It is very very easy to get distracted in this world. So many things both good and bad can easily grab our attention and take away our precious moments with God.

In March, I developed a habit. I started to have a date with God at least once a week. Once a week for an hour or so...i would disappear lol. I would pick a place where I felt even closer to Him (I absolutely LOVE nature), Parks, waterfronts etc.

I would then cut off anything that could possibly distract me. I am still doing this now and honestly nothing compares to it....it's literally as though I come apart from this world when I have those moments. No one disturbs me and nothing disturbs me. Its just me and God and I pour out all my frustrations, all the problems I may be facing, everything I want to talk about, I seek Him with all my mind....then I listen to Him....and He speaks.

He reminds me that He sees me, He reminds me to Trust in Him. I cannot get enough, but this is something that has to be intentional because there has been weeks where I have been overwhelmed with so much I did not have this day, but i have to ensure i intentionally make a way.

I think it is such a great tip.....put it into practise and see....I would love to hear from those of you who do, let me know your experience. Aaahhh our life with God is a journey.....lets make it an exciting and fulfilling one....no one can give us love like He can :)

Journey to be Moulded!!

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