Thursday 8 November 2012

I think He made a mistake..........

Although this picture is a funny one, what it protrays is very true. 

Read this : “No one can have anything unless God gives it." John 3.27
The reason I have not been blogging for such a long time is because SOOO much has been going on and i do apologise because its no excuse. But guess what? I have soo much to share.
A lot more is being required from me and it is very easy in these moments to say " i can't do it it is too hard" But what does the above verse say? Of course we have to be wise as to not exasperate ourselves. But there is nothing that we cannot do if it has been given to us by our Father.
 God has called you into the position you are today. If you just received a massive responsibility, remember is that from afar God saw you, even before you were chosen :

"Nathanael asked him, “How do you know me?”

Jesus answered, “I saw you when you were under the fig tree before Philip called you." John 1.48
You may not be perfect, at the moment you may be making many mistakes and people seem to be looking at you as the other eggs above are looking at the egg in the middle. Or maybe its not even people, its your own thoughts, putting you down, telling you that you are not good enough, that you won't succeed. Read this again and know it is the truth!
“No one can have anything unless God gives it." John 3.27
God NEVER makes mistakes! He chose YOU! And with determination comes SUCCESS!

1 comment:

  1. First I want to say thanks because I didn't remember that and you just reminded me, and I would like to say it's so true what you just said God doesn't make mistakes no matter how bad we are, He choose us
