Monday 24 December 2012

Back to my roots.....literally :)

Ok so FIRST OF ALL.....Hi guys!! Again i know it has been a while lol!
There are a couple of things i would like to say concerning what i will be speaking about on this blog!

1.I have absolutely NOTHING against perm and i disagree when a person is made to feel bad if their preference is to perm their hair. Everything we have is beautiful and as long as you look presentable and you look after your hair, i see no problem at all. There are people who colour their hair and some disagree because you are adding chemicals to your 'natural' hair etc, but if the person likes to colour their hair and they will be looking after their hair, i really don't see the problem.

Ok so now....let me explain my decision!
So i have a friend who has been in my ears for the past couple of months about natural hair, as she decided to go natural. She has shown me countless videos, spoken about many things etc, but i had my mind made up that i would not 'return to my roots' (what i mean by that is the re-growth we get when we haven't permed our hair for a while *the natural afro hair*) lol, i love my little phrases! My reason was, i have been natural before and my hair was just extremely difficult to manage as it was very thick and i had nothing to do with my hair therefore it always looked terrible.

BUT, this friend of mine, showed me a couple of really beautiful sisters who all decided to go natural....and dear friends....there is PLENTY we can do with natural hair! Oh my word, i am a lover of full big hair and seeing the hairstyles i can do by watching these sisters, really started to wear down my rock hard barrier.

So yesterday, there i was fundraising for an amazing cause, and i kept looking at black ladies who were walking past with different types of hair and i thought 'why not try it out and see, if you don't like it, you could always go back'. Which is really guess what friend, my decision has been made lol, you got to me.....i am now in my transition >> 5 months so far....below is a picture i took yesterday after i washed my hair, my natural growth is so thick and curly i actually really love it :

I will be posting up pictures of hairstyles i do during my transition - back to my roots......literally!

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