Wednesday 21 January 2015

Stand out!!...........

Hey there!
Do you know what I was thinking about today? There are many people who do what is wrong and have a lifestyle which contradicts the Word of our God and are very open to share it. They post many pictures on social media, boast about what they do in a very proud way and even teach others how to follow in their footsteps. Many people, intrigued and mesmerised by what they see and the popularity generated by it, desire after it and indeed follow their footsteps.

Sadly enough especially as of late, a large percentage of these followers are young children. Young girls, growing up with a polluted mentality of their own value, how to treat themselves and others as well as how to live in this world.

I love to share my experiences, what God speaks to me.......its in me, its my passion! I cannot help but do it, because I love to show others that we all face very similar and even the same things and through the Word and through each other's help we overcome.

For a little bit of a while, thoughts came into my mind that being like this is pointless, who do I think I am.....why am I exposing my mistakes, everyone knows now many things. But I would think of those who gladly and openly share what is wrong and immediately stand against these thoughts.

We are the light of the world people! It is not a shame to share what God spoke to you, what you overcame, mindsets that have changed within you, your personal testimonies, revelations God gives to you.

We encourage each other and intrigue many others who know there is more in the world than meets the eye and desire to find out. We are the light of the world. Lets shine!

Don't ever be ashamed of the gospel, of your lifestyle, of who You are. Truth is never shameful, a lie can be painted to look beautiful but eventually its results always catch up. The same for the Truth, its results are very obvious and everlasting. :) 

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