Tuesday 20 January 2015

My love life *a personal peek* :)................

I cannot believe, i am actually about to share this!! 
So I was speaking to God yesterday and this came up and He said to share it. It has come into my mind to share it before but I have always been embarrassed to, because I thought it looked bad and I didn't want anyone to know lol......oh the silliness.

I believe there is a girl out there possibly going through this and feeling the way I felt, honey this was inspired just for you :)

So as I have shared my testimony of my childhood with you.....I grew up with many complexes, insecurities and fear. I always wanted to be like the other girls because I would look in the mirror and cry at my reflection as I believed I was extremely ugly. I never believed any boy could ever like me.........I wondered if I would actually ever get married in the future.

So......I have never been in a relationship and I am 22 years old. I am still extremely young!! But in my mind, growing up and having friends who always had a boyfriend or even many admirers, whilst I was the despised one, really had an effect on me.

Even though I have never been in a relationship, I have been hurt many times in this area. I really liked a boy in secondary school and made the mistake to tell one of the loud girls in the class who then went on to tell him. In front of the whole class, he called his brother and called me ugly, he was insulted by the fact that I liked him. I remember how I felt....oh goodness it was horrible.

There were many other different incidents before and after that. But you know what I came to realise??

My goodness!! I am such a precious pearl! Yes I say it loud and proud. The world's way of thinking of course opposes me, "what is wrong with you?" "you never had fun growing up" "how is it possible you never had a boyfriend?"

But yet......I have been kept for a very special someone one day, I will not come with baggages from past relationships. I have been correctly and continue to be correctly educated about how a successful and fruitful relationship should be -  Love Talk :).......My heart has been kept safe and will belong only to that very special future Mr.

Now, I thank God everyday for never allowing me to enter into that world of 'randoms'.

So honey, you out there! Be proud of who you are! Don't give in to the pressures and customs of this world! In which law does it state to be in many relationships prior to finding the person you will spend the rest of your life with? Love yourself and treat yourself as you are, a worth far above rubies!!!

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