Thursday 22 January 2015


Morning!! Today my dear friend will be sharing her experience with us....I love it!

"You give up something great to receive greater, in some cases it gets taken from you so you can receive it back later but 100 times better. That's what God does; He is fair and just to reward our trust in Him."

I have experienced several situations in my life where I had to trust God regarding my spiritual life and my family. However, the tendency is that sometimes I forget with each test I will have to learn to  trust Him on a deeper level. Having passed the previous test, now I will have to prove that I can trust Him even more now. I’ll share one of my ‘tangled’ experiences (everyone faces them at some point).

So it was in the summer of 2010 to be exact and I had just received bad news, the company I was working for could no longer keep me as an employee. This meant I no longer had a steady income, no idea where I would find a new job that same week and now I supposedly became one more of millions unemployed in the UK. I broke the news to those close to me, but first I had a conversation with God about it. He was my first contact and I knew that I had to trust there was something better than what I had.

A few weeks later, my dad decided to travel back home and after a day had passed without any contact, I became worried,he hadn't called to tell me he had arrived. I was about to experience one of my ultimate tests to trust God. I had a call from a family friend to tell me that my dad had been arrested and the police had evidence against him and had actually been waiting for him to travel back home for some time so they can arrest him! I felt powerless to the situation because there was nothing I could do. So I started calling around and telling those who needed to be aware. Months passed and all I could do was talk to him over the phone when he was allowed to. There were times he told me he was hungry and I could do nothing else but to pray for God to provide for him somehow. I prayed continuously but I also took the step to do what I needed to do by pushing my faith to the limit.

 I sacrificed to God.  How?

 I tested my faith through giving my all (financially, spiritually & physically). Twice every year I had the opportunity to do so and I never missed it. I took part in this each time on behalf of my dad and each time the situation seemed to get worse. Fast-forward and three years had passed and my dad was still abroad but this time I was told that he would not be allowed back in the UK at all! Yes! I said it, they told me it will never happen because they had taken away his papers and passport. For a few months I tried to live thinking that’s it true. What I had asked God for drove me to fight on my dad's behalf. To cut it short, almost 4 years later I received a call from my dad that the case was dropped based on false evidence and he was returning the following week!

 During those four years I had found a new job, which is the one I am in now and I love it, I matured a lot and made a lot of changes in my life. I became a better daughter and in return God transformed my dad. His mindset was no longer the same, he loved his family more and now appreciates every small gesture and moment I spend with him. God gave me back my dad but with all these changes that makes us have this great father-daughter relationship. 

Its the same now, I have many ‘tangled’ situations I'm currently facing and its so funny how I was worried about the why’s and how’s…then I had that assurance again from my sacrifices and trust. I welcomed 2015 but this time to overcome these tangles with God like He taught me to because He will always reward those who trust Him regardless of how 'tangled' the situation currently looks. God loves it because it means He can prove how great He is at making the impossible become possible.

- Shanna Brown

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