Wednesday 28 January 2015

You ask and do not receive............

Hey there! This post will be cut into three parts. How I wish I could record myself speaking!!

"You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures." James 4:3

So the topic of discussion and understanding this month between God and I has been 'Surrender' and really and truly Living for Him.

So the first point I had to understand was - What is the will of God? What is His number one desire?

" For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" 1 Timothy 2:3-4

I started to really think about this and what it really means. I remember when I came to the 'knowledge of the Truth'.....immediately my desire was to be a vessel for God to use me in anyway to bring others to see this Truth too.

This is an example I have heard quite a few times and honestly has really become as clear as daylight to me now - How can a product divert from the very purpose it was created for and decide to do its own thing? For example a microphone deciding it wants to be a spoon instead. Of course it will malfunction!! That was not its purpose......its creator knows why it was shaped a particular way, given particular parts and its purpose.

This example is also the story of our lives. We all have one Creator. He knows it all. Each and every single one of us were created with a purpose, a fit into a particular part of His awesome and complete plan.

But many of us have been caught up in the mesh of our own desires and become very full of self that we no longer live fulfilled and satisfied lives.....why?

"You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures." James 4:3

Whenever we go to God in prayer these days (If we honestly and sincerely think about it), the intention of asking Him to open certain doors or perform certain miracles.....are so that we may become comfortable and have what we want. Majority of the time, our intention is not so that whatever it is we receive will be another way to fulfill His will of bringing others to Him. To glorify HIM.

We want a new job....but do we ask God which business or establishment He actually wants us to work at? There might be particular people there who will only come to the knowledge of the Truth by your presence there! Do we allow Him to truly take the lead of every decision and step of our lives?

There are many examples I am sure that are coming into your mind. 

Have a deep think.

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