Monday 9 March 2015

Change your mindset, Change your life..................

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2
In the last post, I discussed with you what the Will of God is for each one of us. These current posts are directly a reflection from a very recent experience I have had.

Some people are crushed under the demanding weight of how the world runs. This is why we come across many people with no vision in life, stuck, depressed and living aimlessly.....Why?

Nobody stops to ask their Creator.....for which purpose He created them. Of course this is not something taught in schools. Infact we are always encouraged by our parents and teachers to pursue the very things we are excellent at.

Do not get me wrong! I hold no opposition against that at all.....but from experience, I have come across so many people who pursued, say for example 13 years at University studying Medicine, to come out heavily dissapointed.  Reason being, they only discovered right at the end that it was not what they wanted to do in life. Then they go on to 'take a break' for a year and travel the world to 'find themselves'.....then end up either really discovering what they were created for (their passion, their purpose) OR settling for something which pays the bills (but yet leads them further into self wallow).

I think all this time wasting could really be stifled, if just for a moment, we stop, ask and allow our minds to be we may see through His eyes. When He shows us who we are firstly in Him, and who He created us to be, we are definitely able to prove His good, acceptable and perfect will in our lives!

And ultimately, this perfect Will of His is our wholeness, our completeness in life.....but will only be discovered when desired and pursued.

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