Tuesday 10 March 2015

It's so easy to say.....

Obedience is learnt through suffering. 
This really stood out to me. God allows us to go through really difficult moments in our faith and also in our lives to show us how obedient we are or are not to Him. The greatest sign of faith is to keep believing and obeying even when nothing seems to be moving forward. When it seems as though God has left you alone.

Obedience of a person even in these times shows their true submission to God and His Word.

This is something very easy to read, nod and say "this is strong" when everything is going great or is calm. But when the hard moments come and this word still abides in us, and we persevere till the very end like Jesus did, then we can really say "this is strong" because we proved the power of the Word.

This is what has been on my mind lately.

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