Friday 4 April 2014

True Love ❤..........

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
                                                       1 Corinthians 13:13
I never understood when God said Love is greater than hope and faith.

Now I see, love encapsulates all the rest. When you love God, you believe in Him and in yourself. You believe He can do the impossible, even when you can't see a way out.

When you love Him, you have hope in His Word, in His promises. You have hope that others can be saved when you allow yourself to be used by God.
You believe, when you love God. You give yourself entirely to Him and in service to others in His name.

When you love Him, you desire and delight in living a life that pleases Him and glorifies His name. Your every being testifies of who He is and His love, it radiates from your person.

When you love Him, you have no fear because you know He has your back no matter what and all His intentions for you are good! He doesn't and hasn't planned for you to fail, to fall, to loose, to sin etc.

His perfect love in us casts out all fear, even in speaking to strangers about Him! 

Hence the reason why we must thirst for a real relationship with Him because how can you love someone you don't know personally? How can you trust someone you don't know personally? 

God is waiting for us to truly seek Him with all our hearts. Not just in our rooms, in church, but everywhere, in our day to day battles, in our daily lives.

Treat Him as a Person, He is our one true Dad! He has and will never let us go...its never too late. Too late is the moment you stop breathing and your soul detaches from your body. 

But guess?

You are reading what does that mean? Your alive!!

Start now!
Believe me, I am not speaking at you. This is exactly for me! 

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