Wednesday 9 April 2014

:)...It happened!.........

I remember that Sunday.......

I came determined that it would happen that day. I wanted the Spirit of God so much. During the service, we were given our moment to speak to God, to seek for His Spirit. This was my moment. I cried out for Him with all I had. I had been seeking for Him for so long even without knowing (before I came to the church, through my questions and desire to be free from my internal battles). I needed Him so much,  as this earth was so corrupt that I could not possibly live the way He wanted me to live without His presence in me.

That day I was filled with an absolute assurance that God was with me, that His Spirit finally lived in me, just as described with the disciples in Acts chapter 2.

I remember, I felt so happy, when I left the church ( I am not even exaggerating), everything felt different, everything looked different, I just wanted to tell everyone what had happened. I wanted to let them know that the same could also happen for them. I was so happy. I remember sending a message to my friends. I wanted God to use me so much. Ah! What a day!

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