Wednesday 22 October 2014

Something New :)


Hi Guys!! Its been donkey years hasn't it? Lol.
So I woke up this morning and was spending time with God and something that I had been asked to do from various people came into mind.

For many years, I have been asked to record a CD, record songs, make songs etc, but I have always brushed it off and not really taken it seriously. But lately, I have really been learning not to limit God in how He can use me. Who knows how He can use my voice?
I watched a video of a girl who sings her own covers of some songs and the comments blew me away, people saying they were deeply helped in hard moments by listening to her songs and how they are forever grateful.
So rather than waiting till I have all the necessary things/equipment, as I usually do, I am already starting with what I have.
Hope you like it and in someway it blesses your day and feel free to give me suggestion of what you would like me to sing, for now i will be doing acapella until I learn how to incorporate instrumentals lol.

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