Tuesday 3 June 2014

"For I called him alone".......

Continuation from yesterday

A special friend of mine, reminded me of Abraham :

“Listen to Me, you who follow after righteousness,
You who seek the Lord:
Look to the rock from which you were hewn,
And to the hole of the pit from which you were dug.
2 Look to Abraham your father,
And to Sarah who bore you;
For I called him alone,
And blessed him and increased him.” 
Isaiah 51:1-2

Abraham, was called out of his family ALONE. I am sure a million thoughts went through his mind 'Am I sure this is even God calling me, Am I crazy?!, Is this a big mistake I am making, They must think there is something wrong with me, Where will I go?' and the list goes on.

But, he obeyed! He chose to TRUST and depend on God. When I came to understand this, I realised once again that I have not been trusting God even with my own self. Its like I don't believe in the very creation He took time to create; my unique personality, attitude etc.

When I am afraid of being myself and doing what God tells me to do even if it goes against the grain, I limit Him and He cannot do extra ordinary things through me, because lets be honest, all those who were legendary in the Bible were not ordinary....they all had to step out of conformity right? And God showed me that if I seek to be like someone else, that defeats the purpose He called me to fulfil on this earth.

This is something definitely only I can do and requires sacrificing my emotions, the stupid thoughts the devil throws and resisting even my old nature to hide.

And just to end, I was thinking, majority of the time those who really inspire me are those who are doing what no one else is, those who are doing what everyone else is afraid to do.

This is truly my food for thought at the moment.

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