Thursday 23 October 2014

Good Fear :)

Morning! Recently I started a study on Fear.

The reason being that it has been my greatest enemy for the longest time. From little things to big things. I look at how I am today and i see how far the distance is from when I started to fight against all the issues within myself and who I am today.
The moment i learnt I actually had to get up and confront fear to overcome it, I started progressing. So this morning, I was reading Psalms 111 and I would like to share with you what I learnt :)
I would advise you to read it right from verse 1, but so as not to take up too much time, I will speak about the verse which really spoke to me.
vs5 - "He gives food to those who fear Him, He ALWAYS remembers His covenant" *emphasis mine*
This is amazing! This food is not only limited to our physical intake of food, but instead it means He makes provisions for ALL our needs in every area of our lives.
But to have the fear of the Lord is so much deeper than just refraining from sin. Its to be very sensitive to His voice and Will, to obey Him even when everyone else is going in the opposite direction. Its to look at things always through the eyes of faith so that malice and disdain does not enter our hearts.
Its to love others as He loves us! WOAH stop there!! That is a very powerful statement!!
Do we really know the depth of God's love for us?
Do you know how many times He has chosen to overlook our faults, infact not only overlook but to FORGET, but really FORGET our mistakes, wrongly spoken words, wrong actions, sins, things we even did deliberately to hurt others and even Him?
And what number of new opportunities are we at right now? 100th? 1000th? 10000th?
This is one of the hardest things for us to do, to love one another as Jesus loves us.
Though difficult, its NOT impossible and we must strive daily towards this.
Good fear towards God, yields love (deep and rooted love) towards Him an our neighbour. :)

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