Wednesday 16 April 2014

Keep Going....

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
                                             Galatians 6.9
You are probably wondering, what has the picture got anything to do with the bible verse right?
So I was spending time with God on Monday when this explanation came so clear to me.

When we are fighting for something, whether it be a change, a career goal, something new, whatever it may be; sometimes we don't see the answer straight away.

Which part of the onion is the most concentrated with nutrients? The core! But of course in order to get to the core, first we must go through the different layers. 

When we are fighting for something, this is what happens spiritually. Every prayer made, every action taken is a layer being peeled and we are getting closer to the answer. But often we do not think in this way because we can only see what is directly in front of us.

When things get harder even though we are doing everything we are supposed to, guess what? It's because we are closer than ever!The closer you are to the core of the onion, the more your eyes water, the more pain in your eyes. Same with our answer at times. 

When you persevere, you are removing more and more layers and getting closer to the core (your answer).

Lesson to be not hold yourself only to what is directly in front of you. Believe in what you are doing. You will will reap, AS LONG as you do NOT GIVE UP!

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