Monday 2 December 2013

Black Beauty...

Lets carry on from yesterday. 
As you can tell, i started to develop a habit in my mind that i have to be perfect in everything I do. I didn't realise it, but i would always demand a lot from myself. This of course is not a problem as we must always demand improvements from ourselves. Anyway, I did very well in my school, I was always the best student, both academically and in creative subjects.

At around this time, my mother moved to the UK to live here and prepare a place for all of us to come. It was just us and our dad with the others who looked after us at home. Of course, I really missed her but at the same time I totally became a daddy's girl! I loved my Dad so much (still do). I remember, at the time he had a big belly which i loved because i would always love to sleep on it. Lol, my dad's best meal was rice, egg and butter, but to us it was the best food ever! Lol.

I have a dark complexion by which i got the name from all my relatives 'Black Beauty'. I loved when they called me that, I felt so beautiful. I guess you were
wondering why the picture of the horse right? Hehe, here's the reason.

I think I will leave it here for today! See you tomorrow!

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