Wednesday 8 February 2012

Scientific Explanation

So I was in lecture on Tuesday, and the lecturer was speaking about the effect of particular hormones in our body. There is a particular hormone which is released in its highest concentration when we are stressed. The hormone is called cortisol. It is usually released in high concentrations when we are in trouble, faced with a problem or stressed.
 At this initial high concentration, the body has the strength and power to fight off any problem, run from trouble if necessary and overcome any stress. But if the body does not use the cortisol immediately but continues to allow its high level to remain in the body, meaning continual stress, remaining in the place of trouble or not solving the problem, cortisol becomes a problem in the body. It begins to weaken our immune system, making it easier for to contract other infections much easier. Eventually a person gets sick.
Whilst he was talking i was thinking about how much this relates to our spiritual life. When first attacked with a problem, a doubt or fear, its in that particular moment, that we have the strength and power to fight and rebuke it. But when we allow it to remain and sink into our hearts and minds, it becomes much harder to fight and eventually allows other things to affect us. When a person remains in this way, they eventually end up weak, giving up and departing from the faith.
So what must we do, when a problem, doubt or fear attacks us, fight IMMEDIATELY! Because its in that moment that your strength and power is the greatest!

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