Friday 10 February 2012

The Real function of the Heart

Holiday, Valentines Day, Heart, Love

When you look at both these pictures what do you see? 
What I see is reality on the left hand side (no matter how disgusting it looks) and deception on the right (no matter how pretty it may look)
For so long, we as humans have been lead to believe that our heart 'FEELS' emotions. But can i reveal the truth to you today?........
Our heart feels NOTHING! It's job and function is just to pump blood around the body. The heart has no emotion whatsoever. Emotion lies in a particular area in our brain. The reason why we feel an emotion in our heart is due to the fact that the heart reacts to whatever the mind tells it to.
Notice this, when you get excited :
1.You see or hear something which your mind processes and  interprets as exciting.
2. Your mind immediately sends signals to the rest of the body, telling them to elicit the response for excitement.
3. Your heart begins to beat faster in response, blood rushes to various parts of your body, causing you to feel hotter or colder.
4. Due to your increased heart rate, you 'FEEL' excited.
The same happens with when you encounter problems, fear etc.
Now do you understand why i said the heart does not feel? If you believe something in your MIND, your heart's job is only to pump blood depending on what your mind tells it. And due to the increased heart rate, you 'FEEL'.
All power as demonstrated above, comes from the mind! You have the power to change your reaction, to stop it or to even cause a reaction. Use your mind, that is where all power lies!

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