Saturday, 30 July 2016

That Simple?!..........

Hey there!

So I have been thinking on what we have been speaking about over the past couple of days. This truth is just simply amazing for me. One thing I remember is the fact that satan is the accuser. He hates when we have peace, he hates it when we choose to place our trust in God instead of being anxious, he hates for us to stand on the Word of God and simply see it as the end of all arguments, as the simple and complete truth!

Friday, 29 July 2016

Grace, mercy, love...........


Let's carry on from yesterday. As I said, I have heard it said many many times that it's not about me, but about who God is. Whilst in the Cafe on Tuesday, I said to God - 'I really don't understand Jesus, what does this mean?'

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Where it all begins.........

Hey there!
So as I mentioned yesterday, I started a study on Forgiveness on Tuesday just gone. I began by reading Daniel 9 (MEV) .

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

It can't be that simple!....Forgiveness.......

It has indeed been a while since I last wrote! I have missed writing....sharing....and growing with you! A lot of life events have happened since the last post and it's amazing because yesterday i was going through some of the posts and they really spoke to me. I was in need of the word and it really encouraged me!

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Love is......

Isn't it funny how what I am going to be meditating on with you today, is exactly what I am facing writing this.