Saturday, 30 July 2016

That Simple?!..........

Hey there!

So I have been thinking on what we have been speaking about over the past couple of days. This truth is just simply amazing for me. One thing I remember is the fact that satan is the accuser. He hates when we have peace, he hates it when we choose to place our trust in God instead of being anxious, he hates for us to stand on the Word of God and simply see it as the end of all arguments, as the simple and complete truth!

This is why whenever God leads us to understand His simpleness, our emotions and thoughts kick in and satan has a field day with those. God's Word is black and white but our emotions try to paint a multicoloured rainbow with what He says :

"....but it can't be that simple" ; ".....surely it's not really that easy" ;  ".......surely there is more to this than meets the eye" ; "......this is for someone else, not me, what I have done is too bad"

What do you mean by ' too bad ' ?!!!

Look at what God says here :

       "Why, when I came, was there no man?
When I called, was there no one to answer?
Is My hand so short that it cannot redeem?
Or have I no power to deliver?
Indeed, at My rebuke I dry up the sea,
I make the rivers a wilderness;
Their fish stink because there is no water,
and die for thirst."
Isaiah 50 :2

I remember thinking that once, and literally God slapped this verse into my mind. Literally felt like a spiritual slap!

As children of God, we have to be courageous enough to shut the door to those voices and emotions and stand firm simply in the Truth. This takes faith! It's not for me to question why God chooses to freely forgive me the moment I confess my sins nakedly and He chooses to blot them out completely for His own sake. He is God! My part is to accept, believe and stand firm in Truth!

Why is God so merciful and gracious to us like this? Why is it that no matter how great our wrong, forgiveness is still for us and is immediate?

God refuses to loose any of us, till our very last breath, He fights for our soul. He has made everything possible for us to receive salvation and maintain it.

This is Love!

Now we can understand why Daniel was so bold in asking God for forgiveness because he was basing his request on God's mercy, on who God is.

I need to read over this again and again!

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