Monday 18 May 2015


Hey guys! This topic has been on my mind as of late.....mistakes.

There was a period of time when I was so afraid of making mistakes, so much so it stopped me from making decisions, grasping opportunities, moving forward and even caused me to be afraid of the future!!

I had very little confidence in myself that it reflected in my response to most things. People around me knew my potential but for some reason, I could not see the same thing. I would always wonder why people believed in me so much.

I was like this for a while until God really revealed to me my lack of trust in Him. He also reaffirmed the fact that He knows EVERYTHING. Before I was put together in my mother's womb, He knew every intimate detail of the life I would live  (read this up in Jeremiah chapter 1). This means that His plans for me are not subject to the mistakes I make along the way. 

In fact, majority of the time, mistakes actually help us along the way in fulfilling our life's purpose.

We learn a great deal more when we make mistakes than when success comes easy. They make us stronger, wiser, better prepared, more defined and the list goes on.

Let us no longer be afraid of committing mistakes. Of course we must endeavor to make as few mistakes as possible (what helps, is when we draw closer and closer to God. He pours His wisdom in us as we know Him more and more).

BUT!! There is one great mistake we should all NEVER commit! ....

Learning nothing from our mistakes. 

This is one mistake we must ensure we never commit! 

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