Thursday 6 September 2012

I was so ashamed....

Last week i felt so ashamed of myself. I have been meditating on the book of Acts and i came to the realisation that truly i have not ben doing the Work of God properly at all. The disciples were sent to prison (Acts 5) and immediately that very same night God sent an angel to set them free and that very next morning they were back doing the very same thing they were sent into prison for doing with all the boldness. I asked myself, why did God not waste time in freeing them?
It's because He saw how valuable they were, He saw they actually DID His work and as there were not many who actually did the Work, He could not afford to have these ones in bondage so He had to remove any obstacles from their way. He knew they would obey without condition and limitation.
Many times situations happen in our lives that block us from being able to serve God wholeheartedly or may even take away our full attention on the things of God. Sometimes these situations take a very long time to be solved. Why? I believe it's exactly because of the point i made above. God does not see us as the disciples were. Do we truly sacrifice as we are supposed to? Serve in absolute obedience without limiting our obedience to the 'easy things to obey'? Do we still peserver with the things of God even when it seems to be going no where? What would be the point of God delivering us immediately? Because we would just carry on doing His Work anyhow. We would not make a difference!
Then yesterday we watched a video in the morning service of the persecution of many Christians in other countries. Some were beaten up to the point of breaking their spines and yet they did not deny the Lord Jesus, they bandaged their wounds, got their walking sticks and go out the very next day to do the exact same thing. And yet we who are in a country where the worst we could possibly receive for evangelism is 'No i am not interested' we find it a challenge. Sometimes in the bus, God would speak to us to speak to a person and we would come up with so many excuses from 'My breath smells' to 'what if they don't speak english or they don't understand me'.
Oh i felt so ashamed and i confessed this to God because i am culprit of this very thing! But its not enough for me to feel ashamed, this has been revealed to me because God sees in me this desire to change and its up to me to OBEY! If you are reading this, i believe it has also been revealed to you for a reason and also up to you to obey.

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