Friday 9 March 2012

Abscence makes the Heart grow Fonder...

I have heard this saying so many times, but i only really understood it recently. Not in the terms of being away from the one you love will make you love them more but in a different way...

I decided to make a challenge with myself for the past 2 weeks. Each time i wanted to just text or call my friends to talk, i would refrain from doing that and talk to God instead. If i wanted to call / text them to ask their opinion about something, i would refrain and ask God instead. If i was going somewhere and wanted company, i would not ask them but go by myself instead and speak with God on my journey there.

And you know what i came to realise? I wanted more and more of God! I was understanding more of what it means to be His child! I was understanding more of how He wants to use me and how He sees me as well as what i needed to change and my qualities. My eyes were more opened, because i was giving more way for Him to speak as well as for me to speak with Him. The abscence of the things i refrained from made my heart grow fonder!
Now don't get me wrong, i do not say we shouldn't speak to friends, or have company with us, of course we should! Jesus Himself had friends."I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you" John 15.15 Note : Friends who do the FATHER'S WILL!
What i mean is we have to check ourselves daily, who do you run to more in times of need. God or your friends? Who do you depend on to sustain you? God or you friends? Who are you constantly asking for advice? God or others? Remember God is a JEALOUS God. (Exodus 20 vs 5)

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this post, it made me think
